Thursday, February 14, 2008

Buck in the muck !!

Corruption breeds poverty, inequalities, low productivity and in some cases where the municipal corporation is concerned it even breeds mosquitoes. Yet it lives on and feeds on the innocent (if there are any) common man. I shall talk in particular about India and it may be correct to project the scenario onto other developing countries; and some developed nations, if this distinction still holds.
India has suffered from various evils for a long time and yet the outlook that is portrayed (in the media) is one of utmost optimism and, at times, of nauseating preparedness. Preparedness to face the consequences of whatever ill is taking place in the nation. Hope is necessary but it may not be sufficient, turning a blind eye to machinery that doesn't work may not rectify it even if one keeps high hopes.
How can we curb corruption in the society ? How is it different in the developed nations than India ? Let us identify the points in the social chain where corruption is present. Well all of it - Education, Business, Politics and all probable concoctions of these. If i could borrow from an old proverb and form my own : To be corrupt is human and to be mute spectators to it is evil.
Let us take politics for instance, to reduce corruption we may have to revamp the bureaucracy, make politicians accountable of their actions, bring transparency in the official processes and juggle a lot of pins. Did I say "we" have to do this ? Who is "we"? We are the government , we are the politicians and we are the ones corrupt, why would we not want the extra bucks. The solution here is the problem, we are the problem. The change and rectification has to start from us. Let us keep up the hope. If we are hungry , hope will keep us alive...

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