Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Art and Science of expression

Films, Newspaper, Recitations, Theatre, Television, SMS, Emails, Chats, Blogs, Novels, Paintings, Comic books, forms of Dances, Music and the good old snail mails. These are some of the ways a man expresses himself and understands his fellow beings.
Why is there a need to express oneself ? Why is freedom of expression so sacred ? Is the necessity of expression connected to the physical health ? Is it as basic as a good night sleep ? What is the significance of sound in the letters ? What do the letters with a particular sound signify ? What is the future of expression ? What is the evolution pattern in the modes of expression ? What has technology contributed to expression ? Which is the most effective form of expression, one that cuts through all cultural, racial and linguistic barriers ? What is distance one travels in going from "sant" to "saint" ?

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